learning for district & campus leaders
In education, leaders are first learners. We offer inspiring, insightful, transformational sessions designed to develop the knowledge, skills, and dispositions for effective social justice school leadership.
Dr. Toni Harrison-Kelly
"My goal in this work is to help teachers give students what I didn't have - an education that centered and valued all of me, one where I felt connected and represented in every part of my educational experience!"
- Toni
Dr. Kelly's areas of focus and expertise:
Belonging in the classroom
Student engagement
College and career readiness
Dr. Toni Harrison-Kelly is a fifteen-year teaching veteran, having taught science, technology, engineering and mathematics at both the elementary and secondary levels. Toni is also an education consultant, having worked with a variety of community partners, including KERA, the Dallas-area PBS affiliate, and Southern Methodist University, where she currently serves as Executive Director of the Budd Center at the Simmons School of Education. She is also a highly-rated presenter, having trained nearly 1,500 parents and educators to date at local, state and national conferences. Toni earned a Bachelor of Science from University of North Texas, a Master of Education in Educational Technology-Leadership from Texas A&M-Commerce, and a Doctor of Education from Texas A&M University where she researched using gamification to achieve equitable student engagement in the middle school classroom. In addition to serving as co-founder and managing partner at SLSJ, she is also the executive director of the Budd Center at Southern Methodist University's Simmons School of Education in Dallas, Texas.