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Dr. Toni Harrison-Kelly

"My goal in this work is to help teachers give students what I didn't have - an education that centered and valued all of me, one where I felt connected and represented in every part of my educational experience!"

- Toni

Dr. Kelly's areas of focus and expertise:

  • Belonging in the classroom

  • Student engagement

  • STEM

  • College and career readiness

Dr. Toni Harrison-Kelly is a fifteen-year teaching veteran, having taught science, technology, engineering and mathematics at both the elementary and secondary levels. Toni is also an education consultant, having worked with a variety of community partners, including KERA, the Dallas-area PBS affiliate, and Southern Methodist University, where she currently serves as Executive Director of the Budd Center at the Simmons School of Education. She is also a highly-rated presenter, having trained nearly 1,500 parents and educators to date at local, state and national conferences.  Toni earned a Bachelor of Science from University of North Texas, a Master of Education in Educational Technology-Leadership from Texas A&M-Commerce, and a Doctor of Education from Texas A&M University where she researched using gamification to achieve equitable student engagement in the middle school classroom. In addition to serving as co-founder and managing partner at SLSJ, she is also the executive director of the Budd Center at Southern Methodist University's Simmons School of Education in Dallas, Texas.

Dr. Toni Harrison-Kelly


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